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That's one hundred and fifty...


Updated: Jul 2, 2020

What are we on blithering about now I hear you ask?

Could it be our highest 'darts' score - nope, how about songs added to our office playlist this month - no, maybe our weekly mileage - no sir! Not even the amount of junk emails trashed in the past 5 days (might be close actually).

No idea, finished guessing...

...well, we have just invoiced our 150th job, not too shabby for a small design studio in their first 9 months of business! A very proud achievement for PJR Creative so we would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thanks to ALL our wonderful clients, without whom this just wouldn't have been possible.

In the past 9 months we have designed, artwork, created and produced many things...

5 Corporate Identities & 9 Logos, 1 Board Game, 5 Adverts, 10 Different Banners, A Dozen Posters, 6 Infographics, 12 Leaflets, 8 Lectern Panels, 3 Menu Boards, A Window Display, 4 Brochures, 6 Fascia Designs, 3 Window Vinyls, a few Workbooks and Information documents, Labels, Spec Sheets, Elevations, App Icons, Photography, a lot of re-touching, re-colouring, a couple of Wedding invitations, Designed, Artwork, Printed and Published a 500 page Novel as well as producing loads of print, large format work and signage...

They say that variety is the spice of life - well, we completely agree! Life would be boring if every day was the same and so far so good, the variety of work our clients continue to request from us keeps life interesting.

We have managed to retain half a dozen familiar faces from previous ventures and at the last count have now added 13 new clients to our books (mainly form recommendations) which has placed a huge smile across our face :)

We have also cobbled together a website in between jobs which serves it's purpose, although we would have preferred to spend a little bit more time refining it before launching it into space. We decided that it was more important to have an internet presence than to wait around for some spare time that just isn't appearing at the moment - a nice problem to have!


We will use these little snippets from our world to let you know what is 'floating our boat' at the time of typing - so here is the first... our 'Office Favourite Tunes' currently being belted out more frequently than others courtesy of Alexa:

Caught In The Middle - The Temperance Movement Holding it Down (17-18) - Low Island Here Again - Ten Fé Sparrow - Emeli Sandé Drink - Jamie Cullum The Thief - The Heavy There Goes My Miracle - Bruce Springsteen

Tee Shirts

Our sister company is ticking over nicely, lots of new t-shirt designs to choose from and we are going to launch a 't-shirt of the month' offer with 20% discount very soon. Keep checking back as new designs, products and colours are being added all the time too.

Our current favourite TEES are...

'Saving the Planet'

We do a lot of work for a local company who manufacture and sell outdoor furniture and play equipment made from 100% recycled material who are currently very involved in the 'War on Plastic' and saving our planet and removing plastic from our oceans. The material that they manufacture all their products from is made from recycled milk containers - just one of their picnic benches stops over 2,000 milk containers being discarded somewhere on our planet!

We have been involved in many of their projects and have recently designed and developed a game board to make school children aware of the damage that plastic is doing to their planet. The end goal of the project is to educate children and illustrate how every little action can help protect your environment while having fun during a lunch hour (game board tops are sold with their picnic benches).

The 'Save the Planet' game boards were printed on a recycled stock and the first run has been produced and will be shipping soon. It has also being nominated for a recycled product award later in the year!

'Save the Planet' game board.

'Happy Customers'

It's lovely when work is going well and customers are happy... and it's nicer still when they let you know! We have been restoring some old posters for Beamish Museum - re-colouring, re-touching and giving them an authentic look for their Railway Station platform.

We dropped them off at reception as normal and arrived back at the office some ten minutes later. I dropped my client an email to let them know that were waiting for him... (it is a huge organisation and they receive many deliveries each day).

By the time I hit send another email was landing in my in box with the words 'Hi Peter Already up! I must of just missed you in reception today. They are fab!' and a picture too.

A selection of posters brought back to life!

Happy clients - happy days!

just before we say goodbye - we will also be sharing some of our additions to our mood board too so here goes...

Favourite Font this month...

Cinzel Decorative

A nice decorative 'all caps' font.

Favourite website this month...

Beautiful, functional and interesting... nothing more to add.

That's all folks!

There is a weekend to enjoy now it's stopped raining. Hope you have enjoyed a little stroll through our latest bits and bobs?

See you again (hopefully.


Pete (PJR)


© 2023 PJR Creative - Having fun while colouring in!

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